Rob Lineberger About

25 years ago, I was on the ground floor of what would become the agile software movement. In the time since I have presented my Blur Box conceptual model of iterative development to over ten thousand managers and information technology professionals. With the maturity of the Agile Manifesto and the proliferation of agile buzzwords, The Blur Box is needed now more than ever. I believe we're on the cusp of a superior approach to IT projects.

If any of the following apply to you:

  • your organization is considering an agile approach
  • you want to convince your team to give agile methods a try
  • you've already tried an agile adoption and didn't have the success you'd hoped for

...then I might be able to help. To begin I recommend pre-ordering a few copies of my book when it becomes available (January 2024) and sharing them with your team. I'm confident that you will find insights and coping strategies that far exceed the cover price.

I'm also happy to talk to your team or consult with you.