My work clients

10000 foot overview of my past presentations and professional work for clients ranging across higher education, manufacturing, health care, and media.

American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants

Complete redevelopment of This Way to CPA site.


Invited presentation at 105th APA convention.

Youth Digital Studio

Taught a comprehensive Html and CSS course.

Boston Scientific

Studied drug-eluting stents to
treat cardiovascular disease.


Implemented Kanban process and developed
air-quality improvement client portal
at Corning subsidiary, Cormetech.

Durham Art Guild

Exhibited at juried shows and created the membership committee.


Website development and media consulting.

Discovery Channel

Managed the backend of streaming media library.

Duke Anesthesiology

Team lead for 5 enterprise agile projects.

Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

Supported grants, publications, and
bioinformatics web applications.


Developed/presented a pitch to win
a $50K entrepreneurial award.

Project Management Institute

3 global symposium talks.

Purdue University

Studied, worked in, and taught
information technology.

PyCon 2006

Gave a workshop on Plone development.

US Dept of Justice

Created a portal to track tobacco sales compliance.


Analyzed line data for maintenance department
in a kanban, just-in-time environment.

Upward Bound

Taught and mentored at-risk youth.

Virginia Tech

Taught Introductory Psychology as
a graduate instructor.